Home Books Stella and Her Magic Wand

Stella and Her Magic Wand Book Series

Phil Russotti and granddaughter Stella

Stella and Grandpa Phil Russotti live in Brooklyn, New York and started co-writing the book series during the pandemic.

Stella and Her Magic Wand in Paris

Stella and Her Magic Wand in Paris Book Cover

Stella and her pet bird, Mr. Tweet Tweet, have an incredible adventure after the Tooth Fairy leaves Stella a Magic Wand instead of money for her baby tooth that fell out. This is a story of Stella’s selfless generosity and thoughtfulness that winds up saving the world.

Stella and Her Magic Wand in London

Stella and Her Magic Wand in London Book Cover

Once the pandemic ended, Stella and Mr. Tweet Tweet fly to London to make some new friends. What they didn’t realize was that they would be called upon to do a brave act that would get the Queen’s attention and an invite to High Tea at Buckingham Palace.

Stella and Her Magic Wand in New York City

Stella and Her Magic Wand in New York Book Cover

When Stella and her family return to New York City for the holidays, Stella invites the friends she made in London to join her and Mr. Tweet Tweet to experience the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting. What happens next surprises everyone and once again Stella uses her magic wand to save the day!


"This book contains all the elements that grab and hold a child's imagination. The main character is a normal child, just like you. She wants to help other people by solving a big problem. She travels to a novel place to accomplish the good that she wants to do. And she uses magic! What more could you ask for?" - JK

"When Stella receives a magic wand from the Tooth Fairy, magical things happen! A creatively told story by a 6-year-old author. Enchanting, inspiring, and loved by the children in my life!" -SC

Connect with Stella

Stella and Her Magic Wand are now available in these bookstores

  • Unnameable Books, Brooklyn, NY
  • La Librarie des Enfants, New York City
  • McNally Jackson, Brooklyn, NY
  • Shakespeare & Co. New York NY
  • Darien Toy Box, Darien CT
  • The Toy Chest, Ridgefield, CT
  • Books on Common, Ridgefield CT
“Stella and I loved collaborating on this together and hope you enjoy!”
- Philip Russotti